Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Holidays!

All of us here at the school would like to wish all of you and your loved ones a safe, happy and healthy winter break. See you in 2013! Classes begin again on Monday, January 7th, 2013.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Poem for week of December 10th

Poem for week of December 3rd

My apologies for posting this poem late. This was our poem from last week. It is sung to the tune of "Are You Sleeping?" We started our math unit on Shapes last week and it will continue well into January.


Often, the poetry folders will ask students to draw a picture and write a sentence and I've had a few parents ask me what exactly we are looking for when we ask the students to write a sentence.

Student development varies from child to child. We begin by asking the children to write whatever they can, whether it be to simply draw a picture and accompany it with scribbles or to write any random letters they may know. At this point we are simply trying to get the students used to the idea of writing.

After this, we try to get the students to start hearing the different sounds within a word and to begin writing the letters that accompany those sounds. At this point they will not hear all sounds and will usually only write the initially sound and will omit vowels as they won't hear them. For example, if they want to write the word "home" they may simply write "H" or "HM".

We then move on to the point of being able to stretch out a word to hear as many sounds as possible and to write them down. At this point they may be able to write the word "home" as "hom" because they are able to hear the H-O-M sounds, but they obviously won't hear the E because it is silent.

Eventually, by the end if SK, we hope to get to the point where students are able to readily write simple sight words (watch for a post on these later in the school year) and are comfortable trying to sound out unknown words, while remembering to leave spaces between their words!

Below are some examples of the different ways in which Kindergarten students write "sentences". They are not in any particular order and are from JK, SK and ESL/ELL (English as a Second Language/English Language Learners) students.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Goodbye Pumpkin!

For those of you wondering what ever happened to our little pumpkin, please take a look:

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

December Newsletter

Hello Parents and Caregivers!

Here are some highlights of what will take place in our classroom over the next few weeks as we approach the end of the term.

We’ll be talking and reading about winter holidays in class. Please let us know if you have any holiday traditions, books, music, stories or recipes that you would like to share with our class. Thanks! We will continue to motivate writing in the classroom by giving the children various purposes for writing. This month, we will try writing seasonal letters and cards to each other in class. If you have any old cards or stationary you would like to donate, we would be very appreciative. Please continue to support your children’s phonemic awareness by encouraging them to find particular letters in stories, or looking in a picture dictionary for words beginning with the letter of the week.

This month we will begin our unit on two-dimensional shapes. We will also review the math concepts that we have been working on this term: sorting, patterning and basic number sense. You can practice these concepts at home by:
- asking your child to help sort the laundry;
- making up sound or movement patterns (e.g., use low/high voice, jump/clap, etc.) or making patterns with items found around the house (e.g., buttons, toothpicks, cotton balls, cheerios);
- counting different daily, household items (i.e. how many socks in the laundry basket or how many peas on your plate, etc.)
- finding and describing two-dimensional shapes around you (e.g., the table is shaped like a rectangle because two sides are shorter and two sides are longer).

Parent-Teacher Interviews
Thank you to all of you who came to Parent-Teacher interviews! It was a fantastic opportunity to discuss your child’s learning, and to get to know the families better. We always welcome your questions and comments, and we look forward to our continued partnership throughout the school year.

Mitten Tree and Food Drive
As every year, our school is collecting new, unused winter mittens, gloves and hats during the month of December. These donations will be displayed on our Mitten Tree before being given to charity. If you have any items you would like to donate, please send them in! We are also collecting non-perishable food items.

As the cold weather is approaching, please ensure your child has the appropriate outdoor winter clothing. Boots and snow pants are needed for cold weather. Label items like hats and mittens with your child’s name, as these items often get misplaced. Thank you for helping your children to learn how to dress themselves in their outdoor clothing. At home, encourage your child to try and put on their winter coats, snowpants, boots, hats and mittens independently. Assist your child using verbal instructions instead of doing it for them.

- The Kindergarten Team

December Calendar